

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6

To create headers in different font sizes we use these elements, where H1 is the biggest size (Header 1) and h6 is the smallest, this will allow us to define general headers, section headers, etc. The attribute align has been deleted, as it was out of date.



The header tag allows us to define preamble contents, which are very useful when working on news, text documents, articles or blog posts. It allows us to insert text describing the content of the text, document, news or entry. In this way, we can differentiate the heading from the body of the news, which could be defined by a tag article.


It is a container tag allowing to put title elements together such as como <h1>,<h2>, etc. It can be used, i.e., to create an index inside the website, sicen all the elements are titles. This could be an example of it:

<hgroup> <h1>Introduction</h1> <h1>Main product features </h1> <h3>Materials being used in building</h3> <h3>Manufacturing system</h3> </hgroup>


This element allows us to insert a horizontal line that splits the text. In HTML5 it has got a meaning, which allows differentiating one paragraph from the other since there is no link between them. In this way, we can distinguish different parts of a review, establishing hr tag as a division between different paragraphs containing different topics within the same review. For instance, it can be useful to distinguish some paragraphs talking about different building materials, or different parts within a videogame, etc. Also, anything referring to components, size, etc, needs to be defined through CSS, since attributes are not allowed in html5.


It is the tag defining the beginning and end of any document.

Important Attribute:

xmlns. It allows us to define xml standard, which is the one our website will be adjusted to.

New attributes

manifest. It shows the url where the file defining accessible resources can be found when the website is used without a connexion.