


This HTML tag has been historically used to convert a text into italic format, but now, we use the style pages to format the different fonts. the tag i is only used when there is nothing else better to represent something we want to define or when we want to highlight a name or technicism.


This tag allows to load a webpage within a part of our existing one. This tag has several security risks, as we are loading foreign content to our web that we cannot control.

Important attributes:

src. It define the font format of the web containing the iframe 

width and height. It defines the dimensions   of the content frame which will show the web included in the src attribute.

srcdoc. This will allow us to define HTML code as a font to show in an iframe instead of a link to another web.


It allows to insert images from multiple formats in the web, jpg, gif, png, etc. This Tag is almost the same as in HTML4. The only difference are those attributes which have been obsolete, and which are now included in the page style as the ones refering to the align or borders.

Important attributes: SRC, Width, heigh, alt, which will indicate the route and the dimensions of the image. On top of that, the attribute ALT, will allow us to put a descriptive title which will appear with a tooltilp everytime the mouse rollover the image.


This element is used to define a field within an application form. Different fields can be defined with this Tag, such as sending buttons, text fields, checkboxes,etc.
Main Attributes

  • type. This attribute allows us to define the input type (text, radio button, checkbox, etc). 
These are the new types introduced in HTML 5:
  • email: For email addresses.
  • url: For Web pages addresses.
  • number: For numbers
  • tel: For telephone numbers
  • search: For search fields
  • datetime: To select date and time
  • date: To select a date
  • month: To select a month
  • week: To select a week
  • time: To select an hour
  • datetime­local: To select a date and time and a time zone
  • range: To select within a range of values
  • color: To select a color in hexadecimal format
  • value. It defines the initial value of this field. In general this attribute is set to 
  • blank, but if we want to use an initial value, we need to bear in mind that this will change 
  • depending on the type field. for example, for a text type, the value will be a string of 
  • characters, while for the radio buttons it will be a number. 
  • Autocomplete. It defines if the field will have help text while the user is writing

New Attributes:

  • Autofocus. It indicates if one certain field needs to be automatically marked, so the cursor goes straight away to a text box allowing you to write in it and with no need to select it with the mouse
  • placeholder. It shows a text example inside a text box that disappears when we once we write on it.
  • required. It indicates that this field cannot be sent empty, and that it must accomplish this field’s type specs, i.e.  in a field such as e­mail, we have to insert a valid e­mail address.
  • pattern. Regular expression that needs to coincide with the correct value that we want the user to insert.
  • maxlenght. We can limit the maximum of inserted characters by using this attribute In the text areas.
  • form. It allows an input to belong to different forms.
  • formaction, formectype, formmethod and formtarget. These attributes allow us to define the url that will process the form’s field when it is sent, as well as the type of data which will be transferred through that form and the sending method that will be used on the http 
  • protocol (get or post) for sending it. These attributes are valid for “submit” and “image” fields.
  • Width and height. They define any form’s field dimensions, in case it is an “image” type one List. It allows us to refer to a tag datalist to pre­establish some values that will be shown while the user fulfills a field
  • max and min. They define a field’s maximum and minimum value.
  • step. With this attribute we can establish the values that can be inserted into a numeric field.