


It is one of the most commonly used tags for tables generation. More specifically, this is the tag that defines the table itself. To define rows and columns within the table, we will use tr and td tags.


From the elements held by HTML for tables generation, tbody defines its body, where all the rows and columns will be created to host its content.


This tag enables to create columns in a table. It is always placed inside a tr tag.

This element’s attributes have been deleted except for colspan, headers and row space.


It defines an area of a text within an HTML document. It is mainly used in forms, to insert HTML (i.e. an iframe code), texts with no characters limit...

Main attributes

name. It defines the name that the text area will have

New attributes

Autofocus. It shows if the cursor is positioned on the text area, so the user can write straight away with no need to select it.
from. It defines the form/forms associated to the text area
required. It indicates if it is the required field or not
wrap. This attribute holds two values: soft and hard. It comes with soft by default, non considering the line breaks provoked by the text box when a word is too long to fit in it. On the other hand, the hard mode takes line breaks into consideration.


This element defines an HTML table’s footer content.
Since every attribute has been eliminated, CSS can be loaded to define style features.


Similar to td tag, for rows being defined in a table’s heading.


This is the element defining the container for everything related with the table’s heading. The attributes referring this element have been deleted.


This is the element being used for managing dates in HTML5, for instance, to insert a publication date for an article, or any project’s delivery date.

Important attributes:

datetime. It indicates date and time. It is useful since it improves the content’s localisation for news search engines and other elements holding a date with this tag time attribute
pubdate. If this attribute is present in the time element, this means it is the publishing date. If datetime attribute is present, that will be the date. If not, the date of the article containing this tag time will be taken.


A tr tag represents a row of an HTML table, allowing to group various td tags.


This tag provides with the necessary information related to the element being played, such as an audio or video file, so with this element we can include an informative text of this multimedia content, including title, album, artist, subtitles, chapter title, sound effects translation... This tag does not work with any of the most popular browsers.

Important attributes

default. It indicates that the information related to the track element needs to be shown by default, so if the track element contains the subtitles of a video and it indicates default, they will always be shown, unless the browser’s default language says the contrary.
kind. It defines the type of information shown by the track element such as:
Captions. It translates the essence of the dialogs and sound effects to the text, so the text reflects the emotions and the result of the sound effects through onomatopoeias. One example of this can be seen in the subtitles offered by tv broadcasters, which is really useful for 
deaf people.
Chapters. This attribute allows to define a menu that the user can interact with. For instant, for the scene selection menu on a DVD or to select songs in a concert DVD
Metadata. This attribute defines transparent content for the use, and it can be used by script languages
Subtitles. It allows us to show any video’s subtitles. Far from being like captions attribute, subtitles is more dedicated to generic subtitles, such as the ones we can see in the movies or in Youtube videos.