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Volkswagen Navarra

Corporate web and app providing access
to the extranet of Volkswagen Navarra factory

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Bespoke programming to renew online presence
and provide internal services for workers

The factory Volkswagen Navarra fully renews its corporate web with a bespoke development, that adds a high amount of new functionalities and areas. This redesign, made specifically for the launching of the new online presence of the plant, was created together with Errea, who provided the layout and guidelines, and the Technology and Marketing departments of the company.


In addition to the design of the web, a new mobile app is created for Android, iOS and BlackBerry, that provides access to the extranet for workers of the company. That way, they can enjoy the online internal communication services that speeds up exponentially the human resources work.

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Multidevice development

Developed completely using responsive techniques, the main focus is in the special optimization of the website for different devices like desktop or touch ones, with a great user experience.

App for mobile devices

App created for Android, iOS and BlackBerry platforms, that allows access to the corporate extranet from everywhere for workers of the factory. This speeds up the communications and human resources work.This speeds up the communications and human resources work. In the process of development of this app there have been included several sections for workforce anouncements, notifications, work calendar, photos and videos related to the staff and the factory, etc. This way the workers are constantly
aware and up to date with everything that happens in the company.

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mobile mask mobile bright
mobile mask mobile bright
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Further info on the project

Further info on the project

Bespoke web development with exclusive design, that reflects the brand's image quality, making it accessible and usable from any device. The app connects to the web management system through web services, with a unique administration interface of all the elements: contents, calendars, users, GCM / Push Notifications, etc. All of the services of both of the applications are hosted in servers managed by Imaginanet's staff.