


Fantasy is a type of generic font family used in CSS for HTML fonts. A fantasy font is one that is very dynamic and different from standard fonts. Their style is often exaggerated and more typical of posters and quirky themes. They are fonts that are not easily categorized into the other generic font families.

Fantasy fonts are best used sparingly for decorative text and headlines. They are often very difficult to read in large blocks. Also, there are no web safe fantasy fonts (unless you count Impact as a fantasy font rather than a sans­-serif font).

Common Fantasy fonts: Impact Haettenschweiler Papyrus Copperplate Copperplate Gothic Light Copperplate Gothic Bold


A favicon or Favorites Icon is a small graphic that is associated with a page or Web site. The favicon allows the Web developer to customize the site in the Web browser, both in the tab bar that is displayed in many browsers as well as in the bookmarks when a site is saved.It was named the favicon because it was first developed in Internet Explorer, which calls bookmarked sites "favorites" and this icon was displayed in the favorites menu. Most  site  favicons  are  designed  as  a  small  rendition  of their  logo  or  other  branding mechanism.

Favourite icon

Favicon within a Web or Web page

First visit

Somebody visiting a website for the first time. First time visitor.

Fixed Width Layouts

Fixed  layouts  are  layouts  that  start  with  a  specific  size,  determined  by  the  Web designer. They remain that width, regardless of the size of the browser window viewing the page. Fixed width layouts allow a designer more direct control over how the page will  look  in  most  situations.  They  are  often  preferred  by  designers  with  a  print background, as they allow the designer to make minute adjustments to the layout and have them remain consistent across browsers and computers.

Focal point

The point of the Web page where the eye is drawn to. A focal point is the most important part of the page or the part of the page that is the most dominant. Good design uses a focal point to create a page that has a purpose. The focal point of the Web page should be the element that is most important on the page. It gives the eye a place to rest and allows the viewer to determine the point of a page very quickly.


Synonym for scroll or displacement


A font is any typography ?s glyphs collection, defining size, family, weight and text

Font Family

A typeface (also known as font family) is a set of one or more fonts each composed of glyphs that share common design features.

Font Style

Style variations of the font, such as italic, bold, underline... In CSS, it is just refered to the italic style of the font.

Font weight

The weight of a font is how dark or light it appears. This also refers to the boldness of a font face.

Fonts category

Group of main fonts within one single stylesheet. Fonts categories are considered to be generic font families, since they do not specify which font it is referring to when used in CSS.

Fonts stack

A font stack is a list of fonts in a CSS font­family declaration. The fonts are listed in order of preference by the Web designer. A font stack allows a designer to control the look of the fonts on the Web page even if the computer doesn't have the best font for the job.


An  FQDN,  or  a  Fully  Qualified  Domain  Name,  is  written  with  the  host  name  and  the domain  name,  including  the  top­level  domain.  It  is  called   ?Fully  qualified ?since  it  is separated from the IP address where it is allocated.