


MAMP is an acronym that stands for Macintosh, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (or Perl or Python). It  is  a  Web  development  platform  that  defines  the  Operating  System  (Linux),  Web  Server (Apache), database (MySQL), and scripting language (PHP, Perl, or Python).


Markup refers  to  the  sequence  of  characters  or  other  symbols  that  transform  a  document  in XML or any other marks document. These include  < y > characters, as well as other elements and attributes of the document.


Markup refers  to  the  sequence  of  characters  or  other  symbols  that  transform  a  document  in XML or any other marks document. These include  < y > characters, as well as other elements and attributes of the document.

Master Family

Typographic term referred to generic fonts  categories. Category fonts are  considered generic since it is not specified the font type of font being used in CSS.

Meta data

Meta  data  is  data  about  data.  In  other  words,  it  is  information  about  the Web  page  that  it  is currently on. Meta data is usually information that is more useful to programs and scripts than to the  customers reading the page. So, meta data is stored in meta tags that are hidden in the <head> of the HTML document. Meta data is most often used for search engine optimization (SEO). The two most critical meta tags used in SEO are: description and keywords. These are sometimes used by search engines to place the pages in the search directory, and they are used to provide a short description of the Web page in the search results.

Meta Tag

A meta tag is a specific HTML tag used to define meta data on your Web pages. The most commonly used meta tags are: description, keywords, author, refresh. Meta tags are placed in the <head> of an HTML document, and they typically do not display  where  the  reader  can  easily  see  them.  They  are  used  to  provide  additional information about the page either for databases and search engines or for the author of the site to keep a record of the pages.

Meta Tags and Page Refresh

The meta refresh tag is often used to redirect your customers from one Web page to another. It is  a  simple  and  reliable  way  to  get  your  customers  to  the  correct  page  of  your  site  without requiring any server or programming knowledge.

Meta Tags and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Meta  tags  are  most  often  used  for  search  engine  optimization  (SEO).  The  two  most critical meta tags used in SEO are: description and keywords.


MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. And a MIME type tells the browser or user agent what type of program various file types and extensions are. There are many, many different MIME types. On the web the most common ones are used with multimedia such as audio files and video files.


A monospace font looks like a typewriter font. Each letter takes up the same width and the rest ­including i and w. Monospace fonts are best used to define code and pre­formatted text.