


Heuristics  are  the  rules  surrounding  usable  Web  pages.  Heuristics  are  most  often considered "rules of thumb" because they are so well known and understood.

An example of a Web heuristic is the convention that the home page of the site is where the most general information is found. Navigation in a column on the left or a row of tabs across the top is another example of a common Web heuristic.


Hexadecimal  numbers  or  "hex"  numbers  are  a  base­16  numbering  system  used  to define colors on Web pages. A hex number is written from 0­9 and then A­F. Web colors are written as three sets of hex pairs. The first set represents the red hue, the second the green hue, and the third the blue. White is written as ff ff ff or #ffffff while black is 00 00 00 or #000000. When using hexadecimal colors in web design you are using the RGB color model. This is a color model that describes projected colors colors as they are seen directly by our eyes, not reflected off of any surface. Computer displays work with color this way, and so the RGB color model is most appropriate for web designs. If your pages are going to be printed, you might consider switching to a reflected color model such as CMYK for your print style sheets.


A hit is a request for a file from a Web server. This includes every stylesheet, javascript file, and image on a Web page. And as such is a bad metric to use for evaluating Web page popularity. Web  server  analytics  that  show  you  only  the  number  of hits  that  a  site  gets  are  not giving  you  a  lot  of  information.  In  fact,  a  single  Web  page  can  generate  dozens  or possibly  hundreds  of  hits  to  the  server.  And  if  you  judge  a  site's  popularity  on  the number of hits it gets, you'll most likely be very disappointed unless your Web pages are very plain, with no CSS, scripts or images. A much better metric to use is the pageview.


HSL  is  an  abbreviation  of  hue,  saturation,  and  lightness.  It  is  a  color  model  used  to describe  colors  in  a way  that  is  easier  for  humans  to  interpret  than  the  straight  RGB color model.

HSL colors are described with three values, in order:

* hue -­ a number representing an angle on the  color circle (a rainbow of  color represented in a circle). This is what we typically think of when we think of a “color”.
* saturation ­ how pure the hue is. A pure color is 100% saturated, while grays are unsaturated.
* lightness ­ how light or dark the hue is. White is 100% lightness, while black is 0% lightness.

To pick a color using HSL, first choose the hue you want to use. Red is 0 or 360°, green is 120° and blue is 240°. Then decide how saturated and light or dark you want it. The benefit to HSL colors is that they are a lot easier to guess at. You simply start with a hue on the color wheel and then adjust the saturation and lightness until you've got the one you want.


Within any directory, Htaccess is the default name of an Apache configuration file..htaccess file configures the directory with features such as pwd protection, URL ?s redirectioning, and some more parameters.


HTML is an abbreviation that stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the language of web pages. It is based in SGML and it has recently been re­written to follow XML directives.

HTML code

HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages.It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in  angle  brackets (like  <html>).  Calling  HTML  a  code can  be  a  tricky  somehow,  since  some people  think  that  a  code  is  equal  to  a  programming  language,  and  so  they  do  not  consider HTML as a code.

HTML codes are special characters (like ? or ?) or characters that are used in HTML itself (like <, >, and &).

HTML codes

HTML codes are special characters or character entities that can be used in web pages to display characters that otherwise would be difficult to type or use.

<p>Types of HTML Codes: There are two types of HTML codes that can be used in web pages: *Characters that cannot be typed with a standard keyboard, such as ã or Ç — some of these characters can be typed with option keys in some programs, but if you don't use the specific HTML code for them on your web page, they may not show up or display as a strange character (like a black box or something worse). *Characters that are used in HTML that might cause problems with the browsers and user agents if they are used in a web page document, such as &, < and >.</p> <p><br />Using HTML Codes: *Every character that is a part of your website's character set can be written encoded with HTML codes or character entities.</p>


An HTML tag is a code that describes how a Web page is formatted. HTML tags are defined by the characters < and >.

There  are  dozens  of  HTML  tags  in  valid  HTML,  another  dozen  or  so  deprecated  tags  (tags  that  are  no  longer  part  of  the specification), and a few tags for specific browsers like Internet Explorer only tags, Netscape only tags, MSN TV/WebTV only tags, and others.


Stands  for "HyperText  Transfer Protocol."  This  is  the  protocol  used  to  transfer  data  over  the World Wide Web. That's why all Website addresses begin with "http://". Whenever you type a URL into your browser and hit Enter, your computer sends an HTTP request to the appropriate Web server. The Web server, which is designed to handle HTTP requests, then sends to you the requested HTML page.


HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It is a TCP/IP protocol  used  by  Web  servers  to  transfer  and  display  Web  content  securely.  The  data transferred is encrypted so that it cannot be read by anyone except the recipient. HTTPS  is  used  by  any  Web  site  that  is  collecting  sensitive  customer  data  such  as  banking information or purchasing information. If you are making a transaction online, you should make sure that it is done over HTTPS so that the data remains secure.

You can know when a Web page is using HTTPS in two ways: It will appear a padlock in the browser’s window. The url will start with  https://.


The  attribute  of  a  colour  by  virtue  of  which  it  is  discernible  as red,  green,  etc.,  and  which  is dependent on its dominant wavelength and independent of intensity or lightness.


A highlighted word or picture in a document or Web page that you can click on with a computer mouse  to  go  to  another  place  in  the  same  or  a  different  document  or Web  page.  Hyperlinks transform flat text into hypertext, and they are an important part within web pages. They  can even connect documents using external links and drive users to external sites to obtain more information by using external links.


Information recovering method, in IT. Within Web pages, hypertext is any clickable text.