


A W3C recommendation is a specification that has been approved by the committee members and  made  public.  This  is  the  highest  rating  a  specification  can  receive.  If  a  specification  is recommended by the W3C, chances are it will become the standard, if it isn't already.

Repeat visitor

A repeat  visitor is  someone who  comes to  your website more than once. Repeat  visitors are important as it means that your site keeps its value for your customers.

Replaced element

A replaced element is any element whose appearance and dimensions are defined by an external resource

Examples: <img> <input> <textarea> <select> <object>


Amount  of  dots  per  inch  held  by  a  monitor  screen.  The  higher  the  resolution  is,  the  more definition the visualised images will have. Also known as DPI (Dots Per Inch).


RGB is an abbreviation for "Red Green Blue". RGB is a color model used on displays where red, green, and blue light are combined to make millions of colors. RGB is how colors combine on screens because they are viewed directly, and not reflected off 
anything - ­ like  colors in traditional  color theory which is based on reflective  colors usually on paper.

CSS allows you to use RGB codes to define your website colors. To define a color in RGB with CSS, write rgb(255,0,0). The numbers go from 0 to 255, and they are listed in order red, green, blue.

Examples:  Red:  rgb(255,0,0)  Green:  rgb(0,255,0)  Blue:  rgb(0,0,255)  Yellow:  rgb(255,255,0)  Cian:  rgb(0,255,255) Magenta: rgb(255,0,255) White: rgb(255,255,255,255) Black: rgb(0,0,0)


RSS (Real Simple Syndication); often called Rich Site Summary, is a standard XML file format that ensures compatibility with many different machines/programs. RSS feeds also benefit users who  want  to receive  timely  updates  from  favourite websites  or  to  aggregate  data  from  many sites. Subscribing to a website RSS removes the need for the user to manually check the website for new  content.  Instead,  their  browser  constantly  monitors  the  site  and  informs  the  user  of  any 
updates. There are other technologies similar to RSS, such as Atom.

Examples: Any news list or a small news summary could be listed within an RSS feed. Poadcasts normaly distribute their links through RSS

RSS scraping

RSS scraping is the use of full­-feed RSS feeds to populate another website without providing attribution or links back to the content originator. Another form of RSS scraper may or may not provide attribution, but they also make changes to the content - ­ removing links, changing words, or otherwise modifying the content that was syndicated.


A  CSS rule  is  a  declaration  block  for  property  assignment  and  a  selector  of  the  elements  to which they have to be applied to.

Example:: p { color: #ccc; } OR span, em { color: #111; }