
Content Strategy

The key to increase your company's sales

Goal: Increasing your sales

The content strategy consists on planning the creation, publication and management of useful content around your company or product. We can design and implement the best content strategy for positioning your Website and create a good reputation for your company and products.

When defining the strategy on the contents or messages that we want to publish, we think that we need to understand why we want to publish them, which is our target audience, and the channels we will use to publish them. This is why, before answering those questions, and in order to design the content strategy for your company, we analyze the content previously published by the company. This is a useful step that helps usunderstand the messages and values the company has been spreading together with the channels that have been used. We also analye your company and products´sectors and your competitors' webs and digital channels. By analysing that data, we will be able to propose you a strategy which will completely adapt to the necessities of your company and/or products, your public, and your objectives, and it will content:

  • Topics, messages and keywords.
  • A plan that includes interesting content to your business sector that generates good reputation to your company and products.
  • Calendar structure and digital channels to be used (Web, social media or social networks…).
  • SEO and Meta Data Plan.

An effective strategy of content must have into consideration:

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  1. The editorial strategy

    It will define the content guidelines: values, legal limits, user level participation.

  2. The contents of Web Marketing (Digital marketing)

    It consist in writing the usable content for the company or product, thinking on its publication in the web. We don’t talk about copywriting or writing content without any purpose. When we plan those contents, we will take into account our target audience, what they want to read, how to offer a good user experience.IT will also contain Metadata which describes the content in an efficient way. Last but not the least, we will archive the content to be easy to find.

  3. Metadata strategy

    It identifies the type of Metadata structure, or the description of the published content. If we manage the Metadata in an intelligent way, we will help users (and content managers) to identify and organize the information, in a sorted, easy way.

  4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    It is the process of editing and organizing the web content by using key words. If we do that in an efficient way, we will help the users to easily and quickly find the web in search engines. .

  5. Content management strategy

    It defines the technologies that are being used for creating, storing and publishing the content of the organisation. To do that, Imaginanet uses its highly tested and advanced CMS (Content Management System).

  6. Content channels strategy

    It defines the contents that will be published on each channel depending on the public we are targeting and the content we want to publish.

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